February 19, 2009

Winter in Michigan

January 8th was Tony's birthday, and I had it all planned out with a cake and everything. Taylor and I went to the store and ordered the cake, but she cold not contain her excitment. All week she ran around asking for cake, so Tony knew what was up! Never the less, it was a great day.

These past couple of months have been very cold and very snowy here in Michigan. But we have made the most of it. Taylor loves to go sledding and play in the snow. She has been playing with the cats a lot lately and they have been letting her! Taylor is growing and surprising me every day. She has so many new sayings, and everytime we here them we crack up!
"It happens."
"Taylor's a toddler."
"Taylor potty training!"
"Twinkle twinkle little star..."
"Patty cake patty cake..."
"Whats goin on?"
"Kody and Tommy crazy."
"Im a cowboy baby!"

Here are somepictures of the past few months.


Jaimie Lloyd said...

She sounds twice as adorable as last summer! We can't wait to see you at the Kazapalooza! Berik is very very full of himself with a huge vocab. too. Cute snow pics sadly look at my one Texas, one day snow pic on my blog which I finally updated all the way current! One day I will show him real snow! Gena

John & Jenny Morgan said...

I can't wait to meet Taylor at Kazapalooza! She is adorable!

I wish we'd get some snow every now and then! Taylor looks like she's having so much fun!

Dana said...

I always love to see new pictures of Ta. I can't wait to see you all at Kazapalooza this year!

Kelly and Sne said...

I still just can't beleive how Taylor has grown! It seems like just yesterday you were coming back with this teeny tiny thing! And now she is walkign and talking up a storm! Glad you are able to enjoy the snow. We've hardly had anything this Winter and, I'll admit, I miss it. Hope to meet you in Nashville!

Anonymous said...

Cute!! You all look well. I will email soon and tell you whats up with us.

Maren and Peter said...

Little Tay is growing up so fast! I can't wait to see you guys in person in Nashville this summer. As for potty training, go to the underpants and don't go back- Rin peed his pants 4 times the first day (including once at the park and we had to leave), 3 times the next day, 2 times the next day, and then once for the next few days and then he was pretty much done. Good luck!

Susan said...

Happy Belated Birthday Tony!

brrrrr...that snow is pretty pretty but it looks cooold. I'm such a wimpy Florida girl.

can't wait to meet ya'll in person in Nashville.

Taylor's expressions are so cute. :)

She is a doll. Hey-Gena found Gulsana on facebook-she probably told you already. :)