Our Walking Wonder!
As of January 29th Taylor is officially walking on her own! About mid January she began to use her walker wagon, then she would take a few steps and fall. Now is off on her own walking all around the house, and we can barely keep up! Tay is so proud of herself, and she should be! She is very quick and she can get around the house before you even have the chance to wonder where she may be. It is amazing to see this tiny little 7 month size baby running around! Especially in her bare feet! She is also getting very good at climbing up the stairs! It takes her about 30 seconds to get all the way up the 14 stairs to the upper floor! I can hardly believe it!
As of Valentines Day Tay will be 15 months, and we will take her to the doctor for her check up. I will have a better update on her size and weight then, but for now, all I can tell you is that she is offically out of all clothes 3-6 month! She is even too big for the items which are 6 month!
Taylor is also drooling a lot! We have a bib on her whenever we can, and we are constantly wiping off drool. She is working on teeth number 7 and 8 and we believe they are molars since she is shoving everything into theback of her mouth. Tay is a little crankier than usual, but she is dealing with it very well. She loves to chew on ice! I cant get her to drink anything throughout the day, but ice cubes, she loves them!
Tay's naps are getting fewer and farther between. She has a good schedule that works well for me, she sleeps until 9 am or so, naps between 2 and 3pm, and is in bed around 9pm. I just wish that the naps lasted longer than 15 to 20 minutes! Oh well, I guess some things never change!We have had a bunch of snow hit recently, about 12 inches just yesterday! Taylor loves it! We took her out sledding and to playing the snow and she just smiled and ate the snow! We walked around the lake on the ice, sledded down the hill in the backyard, and watched Daddy blow the snow off the lake so we could skate! I think we were out there for almost two hours!
Our little girl is growing so big, and we see something new everyday. Her newest word is bubble, which makes her able to say Kitty, Daddy, Doggie, Ducky, Bubble, Baby, Bye, Hi, and Thank you! She even knows what all of them even mean and when to say them! She has three words in sign, Please, More and Eat. These have come in tremendously! The other day I caught her "fedding" her duck! And she is beginning to interact with the other kids at Gymboree!