This past month has seemed to be quite a blur. Our time has been spent very busily, and we have enjoyed every moment of it. On October 11th Tony, Taylor and I headed up to Frankenmuth, Michigan for Tony's family vacation there. We met up with Mary, Terry, Keith, Joshua, Kayla, and Nick at Bronners around 10:30am. We shopped around the town for a little while and Taylor seemed to be enjoying herself. She was busy the whole time, and she wore herself out. We went to check into the Bavarian Inn and played for while. Tay never got a nap that day, so come dinner she was riled up. In her usual fashion Taylor decided to fight her dinner and throw fit for a while. When that has passed we decided to hide the healthy stuff within the "good" stuff! She shoved that down pretty quick. Afterwards we went back to the hotel to swim for a while. The Bavarian Inn has five swimming pools, with one that was only one and a half feet deep. This was perfect for Taylor! She played for about two hours with us and Grandma and Papa, and the only reason we got out was because she was shivering! She was such a fish. She would lay on her belly and say "swimming" all while pushing herself back and forth! She fell asleep really quickly with Grandma and Papa, and Tony, Keith and I had a good time having a couple drinks. It was a great night! The following day we shopped around town a little while longer, and Taylor found a piano that was the perfect height for her! She played for quite a long time! We then headed home. Taylor was great the whole day!

On October 18th we took Taylor down to Erwin's Cider Mill in South Lyon. This cider mill is popular among the other parents at Taylor's school so we decided to give it a try. We headed down and when we pulled up we all got pretty excited. There were bounce houses, orchards, the shop, and an animal farm. We parked and headed to see the animals. We were pretty surprised when we walked up and discovered that Taylor could go in with the animals! We all went into the pen and Taylor was not scared! She wanted to pet all the animals and her favorite by far was the baby goats! They were the perfect size for her and they were not too busy. She was able to pet sheep, goats, a horse, donkey, duck, and llamas! We then headed over to watch the big kids play on the blow up stuff. We were shocked to find out Taylor could go inside the bounce house! She enjoyed herself and would not get out when her time was up! We got onto the tractor and rode out to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins. I wish we had some pictures from that time but our camera died... but I have to tell you that it was cute! Taylor loved the cider but did not want to try the doughnuts! We also discovered that Taylor is not the biggest fan of pumpkin bread.

On October 29th we carved our pumpkins and this year Taylor wanted nothing to do with the insides! Instead she just wanted to play with a piece of the pumpkin and even that was short lived. She had a great time looking at the finished products and we cant help but wonder why she has such a huge grin on her face while she holds the knife in the pumpkin!?

On Halloween, we had the perfect weather. It was quite unusual for this time of year here in Michigan. It was about 65 degrees and sunny! Also with the time change later in the year this year we were able to have more sun later! Taylor had her Halloween party at her school. All the kids dressed up and trick or treated, made pumpkins and had family visit. She trick or treated at school with Grandma and made her pumpkin with Papa. We came for the evening and started to get ready for the night of fun. My mom "Bushka" came over and we all had dinner and headed out for the night. Taylor dressed up as a witch and got a ton of candy! She did not act to carry her cauldron but she did tell everyone "trick or treat" and "thank you." She had a great time being out with all the other kids and having all of there with her. When she had had enough of the trick or treating we came back to the house and she helped pass out candy with us. She was up late that night and she enjoyed every moment of it!

Yesterday was such nice weather that we decided to spend the day outside cleaning up the lawn. Taylor had a blast playing in the leaf piles and she is probably thankful for the Halloween decor from our party to be taken down!

And for those of you wondering about Tony and I, we had a great time dressing up too!