June 20, 2007

Our plane tickets are booked!

We recieved our LOI (Letter of Invitation) on our wedding anniversary - June 18th - and have booked our plane tickets. We have decided to use our local travel agent in Milford, MI and are leaving July 3rd at 10:30am. We will be flying out of Detroit Metro into JFK. From there we will fly to Istanbul and then to Astana. We were going to try to fly from Frankfurt to Astana but there are onyl three flights per week in to Astana from Frankfurt and we would not have been there on time. So we will be traveling for quite a while and when we get there we will arrive around 12:50am. We will keep you all up to date as we try to pack and repack! Woohoo! We are on our way!


Jaimie, Gena and Berik said...

Good luck and congratulations to you!! We just got back from Astana in Jan 2007 with a great baby!! Please tell Baheet and Gulsana that the Lloyds said hello and that Berik is wonderful! If you need any last minute things feel free to email us at www.jaimiegena@yahoo.com or check out our blogsite at www.frogssnailsandpuppydogtails.blogspot.com We also used CAI

Jaime said...

YEA!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! Congratulations! How neat that you recieved such a special call on your anniversary! That makes your day even more memorable! Happy Anniversary and have a wonderful trip!

Thad and Ann said...

Congrats!! We adopted our oldest son 3 yrs ago from Astana & brought home our 2nd son from Karakastek, KZ last fall, I love seeing other babies come home from Kaz. Enjoy your trip...its the best time in your life! :-)
