August 13, 2007

Escape from the Baby House!!!!!

That's right. Taylor is officially ours as of this evening! We went to the baby house at 5pm today and picked up Taylor for good. No more two hours visits. No more Sundays without her. We get her 24/7 from here on out! From now on, we have graduated to official full time parents. We are very happy and just a little scared.

We were told yesterday that we would be picking her up today, and we have been excited all day preparing for her. Maegan and I went to the store earlier in the day and bought all of her food and formula. We were originally scheduled to go at 6pm, but then had our time moved up so we could get her a little earlier.

The caretakers were sad to see her leave, but you could tell they were happy for her that she was going to a good home. We gave gifts to all the caretakers and said our goodbyes, and then off we went.

Taylor was fine for the car ride. When she got into our apartment however, she began to cry louder than we have ever heard from her before. You could just tell she was very uneasy and frightened by the new environment. We gave her some juice to calm her down (it worked for a short bit), which she managed to throw up all over Maegan about ten minutes later. Needless to say, it was a little rough right out of the gates.

And then the strangest thing happened. It was as though Taylor just snapped out of it, and she was the happiest baby in the world. She ended the night by playing and laughing and pulling herself around the floor to check out all the new sights. She was so full of energy that it took us an hour and a half past her bed time before she would finally settle down.

And so ends our first evening on a good note. Tomorrow we apply for her passport and birth certificate so that we can bring her home. Before anyone asks, we are still working on confirming the date that we will be back, which is not exact yet. As soon as we have our return flight confirmed (we are trying to get an earlier flight than the one we booked), we will let everyone know. I don't want to speculate until then. Don't want to jinx ourselves or anything. Looking forward to coming home as soon as we can.

Love Tony, Maegan, and Taylor!


Mom & Dad VanSant said...


Stacey said...

Woo Hoo!!!! Congrats Tony and Mae and especially little Taylor!!!! This is just the very best news! I'm so excited and happy for you guys and can't wait to see you all on the 8th!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you guys! I am so very happy for you. That is such wonderul news! I can't wait to meet Taylor!

How exciting!!!
Stephanie & Lee

Susan said...

Aww Congrats on bustin Taylor out!! I am sure that she was freaked out-but then I am sure she thought-oh wow, these are my parents. This is COOL STUFF! I'm so excited for you guys. My stuff is being APOSTILLED right now in Tallahassee as we speak. That's kind of exciting for us. :) Not nearly as exciting as your post today though. CONGRATS!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so HAPPY that she is official yours. And be thnkful you missed all the midnight feedings. She should sleep through the night now. Aubrie did by that age. Aubrie was so happy to hear that she now official has a cousin. YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH, I cant say that enough. YEAH MAEGAN AND TONY, they have made it to parenthood. Now comes the fun part. When she comes home from preschool and tells you she has 2 boyfriends dont freak out Tony, its ok. Aubrie has at least 2 or 3 now. But most start kindergarten this year so we are lucky. Cant wait for you to come home. Aubrie is hoping you will be home before she leaves for New Hampshire again. But she leaves a week from Saturday so i am not too sure if you'll be here. I am so proud of the two of you. And I am especially proud of Taylor for having the best parents around. Love ya guys bunches. See you soon

Sonya said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That is the best news ever!


Jila said...

Want to add a huge CONGRATS. Don't worry about the occasional tantrum. There will be fewer and fewer of them. Overall, she's going to be wayyyyyy happier than you've ever seen her before. Yes, it's true. That's what happens.

Jila (& Kiana)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! What great news. She's just precious! I'm SOOO happy for all of you. You guys are going to have so much fun with her...I won't make it to the shower, but am looking forward to meeting her soon.

Amanda, Gentry & Jackson

Debbie said...

Oh my God the worst is finally over and Taylor is offically yours. Congratulations to the 2 of you and a special congratulations to Miss Taylor.
Sweetie you have the best parents and they will take very good care of you. They have been sooo looking forward to having you in their lives and now their dream is realized. Before too long now you will be on your way to a VERY EXCITING new life here in Michigan with all kinds of family and friends to welcome you with open arms. Don't be too afraid we are all good people who want nothing but the very best in life for you.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 3 OF YOU AGAIN!!!! Can't wait to see you all on the 8th.
Love you guys

Sandi said...

Maegan and Tony,
Congratulation! It is amazing to have been watching you go through this entire process. It makes me realize that my turn is just around the corner.

I hope you guys enjoy your time with Taylor and can't wait to hear about your travels home to the USA.


Jeannine said...

Congratulations!! I have loved reading your blog (almost) every day, and I couldn't be happier for you and your beautiful (and witty, and intellilgent) daughter..

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! How exciting!!! Now you're really a family!!! WOO WOO!!I can't wait to meet her!!! I can't wait to see you all!! I miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Tony & Maegan,

I've been following your blog and I just wanted to send you a HUGE CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you guys!

~Ruth Ann

The Cook said...

ohh happy day! I am so excited for you. I remember when we took Sophie home and it was sooo exciting.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of you!! It is such a relief for all of you that things are perfect now. And so it begins!! The chasing around, the clinging, whining, the move everything up a level so it can't be reached! Ah, just wait until the Christmas tree!!! How many times will you need to move the ornaments up? You will only decorate the tree half way. HEHEHE!!Again, congratulations and can't wait to see you all. Hugs and kisses and lots of good wishes to you all!! Love aunt tammy!

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE! I don't even know you and I am so excited for you all right now, even a tears in my eyes! I will conintue to follow your blog with daily anticipation! I will keep you all in my prayers for everything to continue without any problems and for God to bless you for the rest of your lives.



Yeah and congratulations! How wonderful, now you are really together forever.

Dana said...

Oh How exciting for you all!! What a special day for your family! I wish it an easy transition for you all too! Congratulations Meagan, Tony and Taylor!!


The Heinrichs said...

Congratulations!!! It must feel amazing to finally be a forever family!!!

John & Jenny Morgan said...

What a happy day! Congratulations and best of luck on your trip home! We look forward to reading your new adventures as full-time parents.
Congratulations to you, too, Taylor. You've got some great parents!

Brian and Patti said...

Patti and I read your blog every day and we are so excited for the three of you! I can't imagine the joy you must be feeling right now! Congratulations!!

Brian & Patti

Anonymous said...

Hey Sil!!!! Finally got up here to see your site! (Actually got the right site this time!) She looks really happy with you guys! Yay! make sure you teach her how to say "seed keed eed meed feed leed DEED!" LOL... And also "bus cus fus lus us nus DUS!" Its only appropriate that she knows these things if shes gonna be calling me Seed and all! :) Ok, well, Chris says hi, and I love you both!.. Take care! Love Seed...

The 5 McGills said...

Congratulations! Sounds like you had a good first night. Our little guy just wouldn't go to sleep in a crib for most of the first week. I'm going to miss seeing pictures of the baby house - my 2 oldest have been reminiscing about things they did there when they see the pictures. Enjoy the rest of your time in Kaz. If you're like we were, you'd do just about anything to get home at this point!

Allison said...

How exciting! Congratulation on bringing Taylor "home". Now the real fun begings.

Best wishes.