August 18, 2007

To our friends in Astana!

To all our friends in Astana. Annette, Kate, Jennifer, Peter, Maren, Rolando, Denise, and Soraya, we feel truly blessed to have met you all. We will miss you and we will keep you in our prayers. We hope a safe journey to all of you and your lovely children. We wish you all the best and hope that we will all get together soon. The friendships that we have formed will be with us forever, and we will think of you all often. Hope to see you all soon!

Annette and Kate, we will see you in Almaty on Tuesday. Kate, until then, listen to your mom!


Maegan and Tony


Snoopy 1 said...

Good Morning or Good Afternoon too all,
This is a message to all of you over in Astana adopting those very smiles and adding to your families. Just think for the experiences you all have just gone through, each and everyone of you have alot more then a friendship, you all have built a special Family together and a family is family forever!
Think about it, for all the time you all have been together in this past month to 2 months you have learned about each other, where each one is from all over the world and to me that is very special!
To my wife Debbie and I our friends are a large part of my family! Tony and Maegan have been a part of my family for many years, Maegan grew up with my daugther and has been like a second daugther to Debbie and I.
As for Tony not just a great mentor when I worked with him years ago, and a great friend and now a part of our family, Taylor has two great parents and is totally Blessed, as well as all of you and your new families.
So Debbie and I say to all of you, WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY TOO!
We can't wait to hear all the long stories that Tony and Maegan when they get home.

Snoopy 1 said...

Good Luck and God Bless all!

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