A day without Taylor...
So this is what happens when we are without the ability to see our Taylor! There are no visits on Sundays so we are having some serious withdrawls...
It is really hot here in Astana today. Tony and I have decided to go out and explore a little bit. We have walked through the park so far and went to "linner" at the Derby Grill. It is a great place! The have pub food so we were able to have a steak sandwich and a club. We were able to have a "book picnic" in the park this afternoon. We just laid there relaxing for a while.
A few nights ago we had the opportunity to walk around more of Astana. We found a nice little gift shop with some authentic Kazakh items. We were very excited to find a beautiful doll for Taylor that we hope will always remind her of her heritage. The doll represents the dress of the early Kazakh settlers. The same clothes are still worn today for ceremonial purposes. We saw several dressed in similar attire on City Day, a celebration of the anniversary of Astana becoming the capital of Kazakhstan. We can't wait to put it in her room at home!
Hi Maegan and Tony,
I am enjoying your blog and so happy for you guys. I too am using Commonwealth and am sending all my apostilled documents off to the agency tomorrow. I am hoping it will get to the embassy by August and then it won't take long to get to Kaz. Your daughter is beautiful. I hope to be over their sometime this fall. So if you have any advice and some time to give me some I would appreciate it. You can email me directly at: wattie21@cfl.rr.com
It must be hard not being able to see Taylor on Sunday but it gives you two time to yourselves and a chace to go explore. The city is beautiful and I love the updates. Miss you guys hope your evening is good and smile tomorrow is a TAYLOR DAY!!!!
Hi Maegan & Tony,
Thanks for all the info on your blog with the country... My documents have been in Kaz for 2 months and we are waiting for the green light to travel. According to our social worker we will most likely go to Astana... so the info on the area is helpful.. Do you know how many baby houses they have there... and can you give the name of the one Taylor is in? I have started packing and the info of what they have has been great!!!
We live in Grand Rapids Michigan and are huge Hockey fans too... Enjoy your beautiful daughter....
Any advice please feel free to e-mail
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